Selma Police officers showcase new electric vehicles

Published 4:35 pm Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Selma Police Department recently purchased vehicles used from a $550,000 check donated by U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07)  last fall.

Selma Police Chief Kenta Fulford unveiled three Electric Trike vehicles and six bicycles.

“I’m excited about the new vehicles and the direction the Selma Police Department is headed,” Fulford said.


Fulford said the vehicles will help the SPD improve communication with Queen City residents.

“Community policing is very important and the citizens need to see police officers,” Fulford said.

Fulford said he appreciates the donation from Sewell.

“I’m grateful to Congresswoman Sewell,” Fulford said. “When I interviewed for the job as Police Chief, I want to have a community-oriented police department”

During the check presentation, Sewell said the funds will improve conditions in Selma.

“This funding will make sure we have a safe community,” Sewell said. “It will help facilitate an open relationship between the police department and the community through education and training.”

Instructor Albert Jackson of Atlanta will be training the SPD officers on how to operate the new electric vehicles at a facility next month in Anniston. Jackson said that he likes the new direction the SPD is headed.

“Selma Police officers can now get out of their cars and see the public,” Jackson said.

Selma residents posted their opinions on Social Media about the SPD new vehicles.

“It’s a great way for the SPD to increase their visibility and ability to communicate with the public,” said Rex Jones of Cougar Oil.

Added John R. Smith III: “Those things look awesome. I could ride one of those.”

Fulford said the trikes cost slightly under $10,000 each but did not know the price of the other bikes.

The SPD also will receive another vehicle.

At the March 14 Selma City Council meeting, Fulford told the city council about the SPD purchasing a new vehicle from the insurance money to replace a wrecked car. The insurance policy is $54,000.

The city council unanimously approved it 8-0.

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