McLarenAndreas Seidl a déclaré sa préférence pour moins de courses et la rotation des sites au lieu d’élargir le calendrier F1.

Le calendrier provisoire 2021 comprend 23 courses, avec une épreuve à confirmer, tandis que la prochaine édition de l’Accord Concorde qui débutera l’année prochaine a annoncé un nombre maximum de 25 grands prix.

Cependant, le directeur de l’équipe Seidl pense que même 23 est trop et qu’il existe une meilleure façon de revisiter certains des circuits qui ont été ajoutés au programme de cette saison pour assurer une campagne plus complète après une surabondance d’annulations causées par la pandémie de santé mondiale.

Mugello, Nurburgring, Portimao, Imola et Istanbul Park ont ​​tous reçu des critiques favorables de la part des participants et des fans de F1.

«Ce n’est un secret pour personne que nous, Zak [Brown, McLaren CEO) and I have said several times that we are more in favour of having fewer races, maybe 20,” said Seidl, quoted by


“You can still visit different places and also new tracks like the ones we have been to in the past but not for a while, like we saw this year.

“But ultimately that’s a decision Formula 1 is responsible for. They know what the best way is for them, with all the analyses that are being carried out. We trust they will make the right decisions.”


Get your hands on the official McLaren 2020 collection via the Formula 1 store

Despite those comments, Seidl has nevertheless welcomed the announcement of next year’s provisional calendar which projects a sense of normality following an enormously challenging 2020.

“It’s great news for everyone in Formula 1, for our partners, sponsors, for us teams but above all for the fans that we are actually having great news again – a calendar with great venues,” said the 44-year-old German.

“I think it’s important that we approach the next year with a certain degree of positivity.

“And as we have seen this year, I think Formula 1 is able to react quickly with our logistics if it is necessary to change the calendar, change locations, change dates and so on. I don’t see that as a big problem.

“We fully trust that Formula 1 will make the right decisions, we have a good dialogue there. And Formula 1 also has a good understanding of what the needs are of the teams.

“In the end, it’s good to know what the preliminary program for next year looks like.”

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