The latest leak claims that Epic Games will make a massive change in the next Fortnite season, scheduled to come out in August.

Updated: Jul 27, 2023 1:44 pm

Next Fortnite Season Will Bring A Groundbreaking Change, New Leak Claims

Epic Games is known for releasing massive changes with every season of Fortnite Battle Royale. After all, this is a big reason why the video game has become so popular. Thanks to frequent updates and massive changes, Epic has managed to keep it fresh and interesting for more than five years.

We are currently in Chapter 4 – Season 3, with the next Fortnite season scheduled for late August 2023. Since we are less than a month away from the new season, it’s no surprise that some leaks have already come out.


The latest leak claims that Epic Games will bring a massive change in the upcoming Fortnite season.

Next Fortnite season will come out in August 2023

If everything goes according to play, Fortnite Chapter 4 – Season 4 will be released in late August. At the moment, the end date for Season 3 is August 25. However, it won’t be surprising if Epic Games postpones the new season for early September.

According to Ako, one of the most reputable Fortnite leakers, the season will bring many changes to the video game. A new radio tower landmark will be released, and the Highcard boss will spawn there. Additionally, Epic will also add a vampire boss, which isn’t surprising considering that Chapter 4 – Season 4 will happen during the next Halloween event.

Fortnite Supply Llama
Image Via Epic Games

However, the biggest leaked change is the vaulting of Supply Llamas. Llamas have been in the game since Chapter 1 – Season 3, and Epic Games vaulted them briefly during Chapter 2 – Season 2. They’ve gone through many changes and even came alive in late Chapter 2. Unfortunately, they might be removed next month.

While llamas are certainly not the same they used to be, many players will be sad to see them go. While Ako is a reputable Fortnite leaker, we are certainly hoping that the leak will not turn out to be accurate!

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