Although the EU member states had previously agreed the deal with lawmakers in October 2022, it still needed to be made official through a vote.

In total, 340 MEPs voted in favour of the ban, while 279 were against it and a further 21 abstained from the process.

The final approval is expected in March, where the official documents will be signed into law.

Following the vote, the EU announced that it would create an official methodology by 2025 for analysing and then reporting on C02 emissions for new internal combustion engines before the 2035 deadline.

The end goal for the EU is to be ‘climate neutral’ by 2050, which involved net zero greenhouse emissions – highlighting the importance of the legislation.


Currently, transportation accounts for a quarter of all C02 emissions in the EU.

Although most car manufactures in Europe have announced investments in making the switch to EVs, there has been some opposition at the timescale given to the industry.

As a result, the final law will include a clause where smaller carmakers that producing less than 10,000 vehicles per year can negotiate weaker targets for a further year.

Even though the Great Britain is no longer a part of the EU, the Government has already set out its own automotive targets for 2030reducing the time scale from 2035.

Are you looking to make the switch to an electric vehicle? What more can be done to help drivers choose an EV as their next vehicle? Leave your comments below.

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