Date Published: 20/03/2023

Good news for drivers of electric cars as Spain has legislated to add more recharging points across the country

The Spanish Law That Says You Must Install Electric Car Charging Points: Who Has To Do It And When?

Spain has a law which states that any commercial building which has more than 20 parking spaces – be they shops, supermarkets, businesses, schools or offices – must have a place for electric vehicles to recharge their batteries.


Royal Decree-Law 21/2021, which regulates the infrastructure for recharging electric vehicles, was approved by the Council of Ministers and states that “All existing buildings for use other than private residential use (work centres, shopping and leisure centres, sports facilities, educational centres…) that have more than 20 parking spaces must install electric car charging points in their parking lots.”



The Royal Decree-Law, which came into force on January 1, 2023, also stipulates that there must be at least one charging point for every 40 parking spaces, up to a maximum of 1,000 spaces.



This law is helping to promote environmentally friendly transport and living habits in Spain by making it easier and more convenient for people to buy a new electric car.



If you own a business in Spain that has a car park with over 20 parking spaces, you must begin to undertake work to install electric recharging points immediately in order to comply with the law.


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