Hackney is set to become the national leader in electric vehicle (EV) charging after Hackney Council signed a contract with Zest to provide and operate its sector-defining charge point rollout of 2,500 fast and slow chargers across the borough’s seven square miles.  

The move is part of the Council’s commitment to decarbonise the transport system in Hackney – a key goal in its Climate Action Plan – and it is set to agree a further contract for up to 150 rapid chargers across the borough, which fully charge EVs in under an hour. This will take the total number of charging points in Hackney to 3,000 by 2026.

The agreements are the first example of a local authority using its procurement powers and expertise to partner with the private sector to install thousands of new charging points. The rollout will result in the most concentrated network of EV chargers in any local authority area in the UK. 

All of the charging points will use 100% renewable energy, with a discounted rate available for Hackney residents through Hackney Light and Power, the Council’s energy services arm. 

While only a third of households in Hackney own a car, the new charging network is designed to encourage those drivers and businesses to switch to electric vehicles or to new electric vehicle car clubs. 


The rollout will be completed at no cost to the Council, with its partner Zest, which is backed by the Government’s Charging Infrastructure Investment Fund, set to fund the capital and operational costs of the programme.

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