Maryland Governor Wes Moore announced today that the state has adopted the multi-state Advanced Clean Cars II rule, which is a major step in improving air quality and fighting the effects of climate change. The regulation requires manufacturers to continuously increase the share of electric vehicles they sell, reaching 100% of passenger car and light truck sales by model year 2035.

Maryland has the most ambitious climate goals of any state in the nation and is recognized as a national leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Advanced Clean Cars II rule, along with strong federal and state incentives, will be one of the state’s most important emissions reduction measures.

According to a Maryland Department of the Environment analysis, the new rule will result in 383,000 fewer new gas-powered vehicles sold by 2030, rising to 1.68 million fewer conventional vehicles by 2035. Between 2026 and 2040, the rule will deliver additional vehicular reductions of more than 6,000 tons of nitrogen oxides, as well as reduction of vehicular and power plant carbon dioxide emission by more than 82 million metric tonnes.

Electric vehicles cost roughly one fourth as much to drive as gasoline cars in Maryland, according to Baltimore Gas and Electric. They also generally have lower maintenance costs, and there are state and federal tax incentives for their purchase. The new rule features flexibility that encourages manufacturers to provide electric vehicles in overburdened and underserved communities, including community-based ridesharing or car sharing programs.

The Maryland Department of the Environment presented the proposed regulation to the state’s Air Quality Control Advisory Council, which voted to recommend that the department move forward in proposing a regulation to enact the new standards. MDE will follow the process for a proposed regulation, which includes a public hearing and opportunity for public comment, to allow for a regulation to take effect in September.


Governor Moore stated, “Today, we’re talking about a major transformation that is going to define this administration—and that’s how we turn Maryland from a state powered by oil and gas to a state powered by clean energy. I am confident that the state of Maryland can and will lead the clean energy revolution.”

The adoption of the Advanced Clean Cars II rule is a big step toward cleaner air and a more aggressive response to the threats posed by climate change.

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