JEFFERSON CITY — A Missouri House bill might make it difficult for cities to require electric vehicle chargers in parking lots. 

House bill 184 would require any political subdivision, such as a city or county, to pay for « installation, maintenance, and operation of the electric vehicle charging stations. »

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jim Murphy (R-St. Louis), garnered a 105-36 vote to pass on Feb. 16. 

« It’s not the purview of the government to be the marketing department for General Motors or Chrysler or BMW, » Murphy said. « There’s no need for government to interfere with this. If the market finds that there’s a need, they will certainly do it. » 

Another representative feels that the bill goes too far in taking away the decision-making power of local municipalities. 


« It should be up to a local community to have some say over what they require, » Rep. Peter Merideth (D-St. Louis) said. « If one of those things they require is making sure that new buildings are equipped for the new age electric charging, I think that that is completely reasonable, and this bill goes too far in trying to preempt that. » 

The legislation also prohibits cities from requiring schools or religious organizations from installing charging stations. 

The bill moves on to the state Senate for further deliberation. 

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