Accueil Smartphones Samsung C&T remporte un contrat de 1,6 milliard de dollars pour la...

Samsung C&T remporte un contrat de 1,6 milliard de dollars pour la construction du terminal 3 de l’aéroport international de Taoyuan

Samsung C&T a remporté un contrat de 1,8 t (1,6 milliard de dollars) de la Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Corporation pour la construction du terminal 3 de l’aéroport international de Taoyuan.

Samsung C&T a formé un consortium avec RSEA Engineering, une entreprise de construction générale taïwanaise, pour remporter ce projet, qui devrait durer 60 mois. Le nouveau 550 000m2 l’aérogare et la salle d’embarquement auront une capacité de 45 millions de passagers par an.

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According to Samsung C&T, this is a high-level construction project due to the large-scale roof steel trusses and irregular ceiling construction and the need to avoid interfering with the operations of the existing Terminals 1 and 2.

Samsung C&T has previous airport construction experience, having successfully built Incheon International Airport’s first passenger terminal and carried out the expansion of Mongolia’s Ulaanbaatar New International Airport. Samsung C&T is currently working on a ground improvement project for Hong Kong’s Chek Lap Kok International Airport, the expansion of a runway in Singapore’s Changi International Airport and the expansion of Bangladesh’s Dhaka International Airport.


An official from Samsung C&T said, “Through this order, we have once again consolidated our position as a top player in the airport construction project.”

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