Image de l'article intitulé Comment empêcher votre iPhone et ses applications de suivre votre position

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Bien que la confidentialité telle que nous la connaissions puisse être morte et disparue, il existe encore de nombreuses façons de vous protéger contre les normes technologiques par défaut de votre iPhone. Apple est peut-être un champion de la confidentialité, mais vous pouvez modifier et modifier de nombreux paramètres pour masquer votre position. pomme et vos nombreuses applications.

Comment désactiver les services de localisation pour l’ensemble de votre iPhone

Étant donné qu’Apple se concentre sur la confidentialité (je peux déjà voir le Arguments CSAM brassage dans les commentaires), ils facilitent le contrôle des applications qui ont accès à votre position.

Si vous souhaitez désactiver entièrement les services de localisation d’un seul coup, vous êtes libre de le faire. Dirigez-vous simplement vers Paramètres > Confidentialité > Services de localisation, puis désactivez la bascule à côté de Services de location. Lorsque vous le faites, vous obtenez une fenêtre contextuelle vous informant que pendant que les services de localisation seront désactivés, vos paramètres personnalisés seront temporairement restaurés si vous utilisez Localiser mon iPhone pour activer le mode perdu. Appuyez simplement sur « Éteindre » continuer.


Tout est prêt ! Eh bien, peut-être si vous n’avez jamais besoin d’une application qui utilise les services de localisation. Mais nous ne sommes pas nombreux à se passer d’une application de navigation comme Google Maps. Si vous laissez les services de localisation désactivés, aucune application nécessitant votre localisation ne fonctionnera. C’est un peu décevant.

Image for article titled How to Stop Your iPhone and Its Apps From Tracking Your Location

Screenshot: Jake Peterson

How to manage Location Services for each app

Instead, you might find it more useful to fine-tune your location settings app-by-app. To do so, head back to the Location Services settings page, then tap on an app whose location permissions you’d like to edit. You might see an arrangement of the following five options, depending on the app and what features it has:

  • Never: The app will never have access to your location.
  • Ask Next Time: The next time the app wants access to your location, it will ask.  
  • While Using the App: This grants location permissions only when using the app.
  • While Using the App or Widgets: This grants permission to your location only when using the app or the app’s widget.
  • Always: The app always has access to your location.

These options change depending on the app. Facebook, for example, has “Always” as an option, because of perpetual tracking features like “Nearby Friends” and “Find Wi-Fi.” CARROT has “While Using the App or Widgets,” because it has a widget. You can change these settings at any time, so you don’t have to stress too much about picking the right one for that particular app.

Apple has apps explain why they ask for the location information they do. That way, you can decide for yourself whether those purported features are worth handing over your location.

You’ll also find a “Precise Location” option at the bottom of this page. That gives the app permission to your specific location. If you turn off this feature, the app will only have your general location. Good for privacy, but not so good for apps that require precise location data, like Google Maps or friend trackers.

How to stop sharing your location with other people

Sure, we want to hide our location from noisy tech giants, but maybe you also don’t want your social circle knowing your whereabouts, either. Of course, you needed to give permission to your contacts before sharing your location with them in the first place, but we all have regrets.

You can disable location sharing for all by heading to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Share My Location. Here, just disable “Share My Location.” Alternatively, to whittle down your list of contacts that you share your location with more precisely, open Find My, tap People, tap the contact you want to remove, then scroll down and tap “Stop Sharing Location.”

Disable system services

If you scroll to the bottom of your list of apps in Location Services, you’ll find an option called System Services. Tap that, and you’ll see a list of services that your iPhone uses your location for. You can go through this list and disable the options if you like, but many of them (if not most of them) are going to be more useful than intrusive.

The exception might be the three options under Product Improvement: iPhone Analytics, Routing & Traffic, and Improve Maps are services that Apple collects location data for to improve across its ecosystem. If you’d rather opt out of Apple’s program, you can disable any and all of those options.

Finally, there are Significant Locations. Apple uses this feature to learn the locations you frequent most to provide location-based information in apps like Maps, Calendar, Photos, and more. While you can disable the option, the data is end-to-end encrypted on your devices, meaning Apple doesn’t have access to it. If you want to turn off the feature, just tap the toggle next to “Significant Locations,” then tap “Turn Off” on the pop-up.

You can also delete specific entires. To do so, just tap one, tap “Edit,” then tap the red minus on the entry. Alternatively, you can clear all entries at once by scrolling to the bottom of Significant Locations, tapping “Clear History,” then tapping “Clear History” on the pop-up.


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