Love is a universal theme in music. It’s found in all shapes and forms. But one of the strongest types of love out there is that of parents to their daughter.

Daughters are precious and beautiful, and they can also be challenging and strong. It’s not surprising that parents feel the need to protect and shield them from the world.

But a daughter’s desire to move on and explore the world will always win. A parent knows it’s inevitable and that letting their little girl go is the only way they’ll be happy.

Unsurprisingly, songs about the love of and the love for a daughter are abundant. To celebrate them, we have come up with 31 of the best songs about daughters. Have fun reading!

1. “In My Daughter’s Eyes” By Martina McBride

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The best way to kick off our list is with a song with “daughter” in the title. Martina McBride‘s “In My Daughters Eyes” is a beautiful and heartfelt tribute that describes how it feels to have a little girl.


The lyrics detail how daughters look at their parents with admiration and love. For them, their parents are their heroes. Little do they know that it’s the daughters who “rescue” their parents.

It’s heartbreaking in the way the singer acknowledges the future and how she won’t always be around. But she wants her daughter to know how happy she is to have a daughter like her.

2. “Never Grow Up” By Taylor Swift

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Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift has always been an amazing storyteller. “Never Grow Up” showcases her capabilities by shifting perspectives between parents and their daughters. This is another tribute to daughters everywhere from her Speak Now album.

The song goes through the simple milestones in a young girl’s life. From being a toddler being tucked in for bed to being a teenager on her way to the movies and finally being on her own in an apartment.

The title is what parents wish for their daughters. But in the end, it’s the daughter wishing she had never grown up.

3. “Slipping Through My Fingers” By ABBA

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Next, we have a beautiful yet longing song from ABBA. “Slipping Through My Fingers” tells a story from the perspective of a parent who feels that her daughter is growing too fast.

This song shows us how quickly time goes when raising a child. In this particular case, the parent questions whether she has done enough to know her daughter. She feels as though every time she catches up, the chances slip through her fingers.

It’s a beautiful song about wanting to keep daughters close and safe in our arms. But growing up is inevitable. She realizes that time won’t stop but wishes it could so that she could spend more time with her daughter.

4. “I Hope You Dance” By Lee Ann Womack

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It’s every parent’s fear when their children have to step out from under their wings. Lee Ann Womack‘s “I Hope You Dance” is words of comfort for both the parents and their daughters.

The entire premise of the song is wishing the best for a daughter. It’s a reminder for the child to embrace what life has to offer. And to always take a chance on love and faith despite the challenges.

We can tell from the lyrics that the parent is speaking from her own experience. She knows time goes by fast, and there will come a time when one wonders where the years have gone by.

5. “Teenage Daughters” By Martina McBride

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When we talk about songs with “daughter” in the lyrics, you’ll surely remember this one by Martina McBride. “Teenage Daughters” shows the reality when it comes to bringing up daughters. It won’t be a walk in the park.

In the song, the mother realizes her little girl is not so little anymore. If anything, her daughter is like she was at seventeen. Which says a lot about rebellion, angst, and all the things teenagers go through.

It’s a humorous take on something that makes parents sad or gives them headaches. It’s refreshing but still truthful and heartfelt. The lyrics explain how things can shift in a parent-daughter relationship, but she isn’t complaining.

6. “Mockingbird” By Eminem

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American rapper Eminem may be primarily known for his humorous, sometimes insulting raps. But he knows enough about what it means to be a father to a daughter in “Mockingbird.”

In this Encore track, Eminem sings to his daughter, Hailie, and niece, Lainie, with honesty about what it was like watching them grow up through his eyes. He mentions his fame, his struggles with Hailie’s mom, and the memories he had as a father to her.

The song ends with a sentiment that parents can relate to. That if we could give the world to our daughters, we would.

7. “The Best Part Of Me” By Lee Brice

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The relationship between a father and his daughter is a beautiful one. In “The Best Part of Me,” Lee Brice shows the perspective of someone who doesn’t take much pride in the life he’s lived except for one person who makes it all worth it.

“The Best Part of Me,” from his self-titled album, is subjective. But one of the most beautiful ways to view this song is from the perspective of a father.

The singer tells us he’s not perfect and he has made mistakes. But the idea of raising a kind and loving soul is something the singer takes pride in. His daughter is the best part of him and the one thing he’ll never be ashamed of.

8. “I Loved Her First” By Heartland

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A father’s love runs deep, as Heartland‘s “I Loved Her First” tells us. The song is a father’s message to the man who married his daughter.

“I Loved Her First” references how a father’s love stays with his daughter even when she finds the man who will cherish her for the rest of her life. The father takes pride in being the first to love and hold her. And despite getting married, she will always have a spot in her father’s heart.

The song is a statement of the beauty and depth of a father’s love. Though he is comforted by the fact that she found her Mr. Right, it still feels hard for him to give her away.

9. “Small Bump” By Ed Sheeran

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Our next singer, Ed Sheeran, is known for his impressive and heartfelt lyricism. He showcases this through the heartbreaking, well-written song “Small Bump.”

The singer imagines how his child would look like, with her getting his hair and her mom’s smile. Despite never having met her, the singer has overflowing love for his daughter. The lyrics are able to capture that beautifully.

The song takes us through his plans for her. Only to reveal in the end that the child only made it to four months as a small bump. It’s especially heart-breaking to the listeners, hearing the words of a parent and learning that his child doesn’t make it.

10. “Isn’t She Lovely” By Stevie Wonder

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In this next song, Stevie Wonder sings an ode to being a parent and meeting his daughter, Aisha, when she was born. “Isn’t She Lovely,” from the Songs in the Key of Life album, was so popular that it became a jazz and pop standard.

From the lyrics, we can feel the singer’s excitement and pride in his daughter’s birth. He falls in love with the baby and realizes she is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.

The singer thanks the Lord for giving him the precious bundle of joy. The entire song is a celebration of the love and life that is Aisha.

11. “My Little Girl” By Tim McGraw

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Ever notice how fathers (and even moms) claim that their daughters had them wrapped around their fingers? Because that’s exactly how it is to have a daughter. Tim McGraw knows it all too well in “My Little Girl.”

This is a song from the perspective of a father addressing his daughter. He recalls all the poignant memories of her childhood, wondering how time flew by fast. From being a child, now she is grown up.

He knows that someday she’ll be on her own to chase her dreams and find love. She may grow up and be her own person, but to him, she’ll always be his little girl.

12. “Lady” By Brett Young

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In another song from the perspective of a father, Brett Young pays tribute not only to his daughter but to his wife as well. “Lady” is one of the tracks from the Weekends Look a Little Different These Days album.

In the song, the singer recalls the moment he first heard his daughter’s heartbeat. It scared him then, showing us a father’s fears when having a child (and a daughter at that) for the very first time.

Throughout the song, he wants his daughter to know that she can run to him and her mommy. He assures her that she’ll always be his baby, but to be a lady, she must look to her mom for help.

13. “Daughters” By John Mayer

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Coming from his Heavier Things album, “Daughters” by John Mayer, is about the influence parents have on their children.

The singer references one truth when it comes to familial love. If a father shows little love to his daughter, she could easily transfer that same lack of love to her future child. That’s because “daughters will love like you do.” What he shows her, she will absorb.

It then becomes a cycle that will affect not only the people within the family but outside of it as well. “Daughters” is a plea to parents to “be good” to their daughters and love them the right way.

14. “For My Daughter” By Kane Brown

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Growing up without a father has a huge impact on the upbringing of a child. But in “For My Daughter,” Kane Brown wants to prove he could be the best father even without a role model.

The singer opens the song by mentioning he grew up without a dad. It only strengthens his desire to be the best dad he can be to his own daughter. He wants to give her everything he didn’t have. Not the material things but the experiences and the relationship.

“For My Daughter” is a promise to protect her from nightmares but also let her learn from her mistakes. He knows he can’t rectify what his father took from him. But he can control how he treats his little girl and he’ll do so by being his best self.

15. “Mother’s Daughter” By Miley Cyrus

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Our next song, “Mother’s Daughter” by Miley Cyrus, has a much different tone than the rest on our list. But it’s the perfect example of how mothers can teach their daughters how to be strong, independent, and powerful. The song is told from the perspective of a daughter who loves who she is.

Cyrus refers to herself as her mother’s daughter to empower her actions and show she’s not ashamed of who she is.

It’s not the ideal lesson society thinks of when they think of what a mother should teach her daughter. But Cyrus proves them wrong because her mom taught her to be unapologetically herself.

16. “Butterfly Kisses” By Bob Carlisle

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Daughters bring out the best in fathers, as Bob Carlisle will show you in “Butterfly Kisses.” As parents, we live for tiny moments and memories that shape our relationship with our daughters.

The singer is particularly fond of butterfly kisses that he and his daughter shared. He recalls wonderful memories of her childhood, wondering how time flies by fast.

When his daughter turned 16, she resembled her mother more and more. At this age, she’s starting to spread her wings. And when she’s getting married, he finds it hard to give her away. But through it all, the father is secure in the thought that he did something right to deserve a daughter like her.

17. “Dance With My Daughter” By Jason Blaine

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Up next is a Jason Blaine song that mentions “daughter” as a gift from God. “Dance with My Daughter” is a heartwarming ode by a father to his beloved daughter who’s about to strike on her own.

The song begins with the singer observing how his daughter is looking more and more like her momma. Her feisty side she got from him. As with all the experiences of parents in the songs on our list, he wonders where time has gone by.

Soon she will let him go to start a life of her own. But before that, he’s going to take the moment to dance with his daughter.

18. “All-American Girl” By Carrie Underwood

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To continue our list, we have Carrie Underwood‘s “All-American Girl.” This song tells the story of a father who was hoping for a baby boy. Only to fall in love with his baby girl the moment she was born.

She becomes “the center of his whole world.” With her in his life, he would do anything for her. And as the song progresses, we learn that she also has her boyfriend wrapped around her finger.

The song shows the love and humanity a daughter can bring out of her father. It is not easy guiding a child into adulthood. But having a daughter is surely rewarding.

19. “Father And Daughter” By Paul Simon

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Up next is “Father and Daughter,” a song from the perspective of a father. Paul Simon released the song as a soundtrack for the movie The Wild Thornberrys.

Here, the singer shares his hopes and dreams for his daughter. He is like every father out there who wants nothing but the best for their daughters.

He promises to watch her shine, assured that “the light that shines on you will shine on you forever.” We can be sure that his daughter is grateful for his presence, as he reminds her how much he loves her.

20. “First Man” By Camila Cabello

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Most of the songs on our list are told from a parent’s perspective. But Camila Cabello‘s “First Man” is from the eyes of a daughter who loves her dad.

This song is what a daughter would tell her dad to assure him about the man she has met. It’s heartwarming seeing the beautiful relationship that she fostered with him. We can see how he worries about her, even in little ways.

“First Man” paints a picture of how daughters know their dads are the first to love and protect them. But it’s okay for her father to let her go because now someone else will hold her tight just like he used to.

21. “Prettiest Girl In The World” By Logan Mize

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As parents, we see our daughters differently from how they view themselves. That’s basically what “Prettiest Girl in the World” by Logan Mize is all about.

Now there are two ways to look at this song. One, it’s from the perspective of a father, as Mize wrote this song when his wife was pregnant with their daughter. Two, it could be a song by a man for his lover, which Mize intended during the writing process.

In the song, we can tell how much the father admires his child. He wishes that she could see herself the way he does, the same way a father would. That she is the prettiest girl, inside and out.

22. “The Man Who Loves You The Most” By Zac Brown Band

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Get ready for some waterworks when you listen to “The Man Who Loves You the Most.” Zac Brown Band released the song in 2020 for their album of the same name.

What’s notable about this song is that it highlights the unconditional love a father feels for his daughter. When she was younger, he missed some parts of her life due to his life on the road. But we can tell he established a healthy relationship with her as she grew up.

And now that she’ll be on her own, he wishes for her to see the world. He wants her to find the man who deserves her love. And when he’s old and gray, he wishes for her to make a toast for the man who loved her the most.

23. “When You Need Me” By Bruce Springsteen

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No words are enough to say how blessed a daughter is when she has a father to run to. But hopefully, Bruce Springsteen‘s “When You Need Me” is enough to show it to us.

Even when the daughter has a life of her own, it’s comforting knowing her dad is always there. No matter what. And when she needs him, she can come to him. No questions asked.

From the perspective of a father, this song shows that his love is unconditional. He will drop everything off just to be there for her when she needs him. He promises to stand beside her when the world is mean. And when she needs comfort, she can run to his arms.

24. “Butterfly Fly Away” By Miley Cyrus Ft. Billy Ray Cyrus

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This second song by Miley Cyrus, in collaboration with her real father, Billy Ray Cyrus, is just as fitting as “Mother’s Daughter.” But “Butterfly Fly Away” differ significantly in terms of message.

Taken from Cyrus’ album for Hannah Montana: The Movie, it’s a daughter’s view on her relationship with her father as she’s growing up. The song also shows a daughter’s transition from childhood to adulthood.

In the song, the singer sees how he’s been there for her since she was a baby. But it’s time for her to leave the nest. He’s done his job in raising her and now she can tackle the world with all the lessons he taught her.

25. “My Darling” By Wilco

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Here’s another song from a father to his daughter. Wilco‘s “My Darling” is a lullaby to comfort a child.

The lyrics find the singer putting his daughter to sleep. He promises to watch over her and make sure she doesn’t get bad dreams.

But his care for his daughter doesn’t stop there. We can tell that their family is one where love abounds. The lyrics reiterate that he wants his daughter to grow up (but not too fast!) and see the world. He knows that one day it will happen, and he’ll cherish every moment until then.

26. “Cinderella” By Steven Curtis Chapman

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One thing most of the songs on our list agree on is how time flies by when you have a daughter. And so in “Cinderella,” Steven Curtis Chapman is going to take advantage of the time while his daughter is still with him.

In the song, the singer’s daughter loves to dance and invites him to practice dancing. And despite his busy days, he recognizes that he may never have the chance to do this with her again.

And so he “will dance with Cinderella” while he can. Because soon, “the clock will strike midnight and she’ll be gone” to embark on her own journey.

27. “Daddy’s Little Girl” By The Shires

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There are only a handful of songs on our list where the perspective is from the daughter. The Shires‘ “Daddy’s Little Girl” is one of them.

This time, the song follows a daughter’s view of her dad while growing up. She sees him as a role model, the first person she goes to for anything. As she grows older, she realizes she taught her dad as much as he taught her.

“Daddy’s Little Girl” recognizes the role a father has in shaping the daughter into who she becomes. And no matter how old she gets, she’ll always be his little girl.

28. “If I Die Young” By The Band Perry

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Here’s another song from the perspective of a daughter. The Band Perry‘s “If I Die Young” tackles what it’s like to, yes, die at a young age and what it would look like.

While the band makes everything sound beautiful, it’s a very heart-wrenching song. The singer wants an elegant riverfront funeral, wearing satin with a love song being sung for her.

A verse is dedicated to her request should she die young. She implores God to make her a rainbow so she could “shine down on my mother.” She wants her beautiful colors to comfort her mother and take her thoughts away from the fact that “she buries her baby.”

29. “The Best Day” By Taylor Swift

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Appearing for the second time on our list is Taylor Swift with her song “The Best Day.” Coming from her album Fearless, the song is an ode to a mom’s role in the life of her daughter.

The singer addresses her mother throughout the song. She explains how her mom’s presence in her life made everything better. She recalls certain moments in childhood, starting when she was five and they enjoyed a day together.

When she was 13, dealing with cruel kids was bearable because her mother was always on her side. She looks back on these days and is grateful that the days she spent with her mother were the best.

30. “Landslide” By Fleetwood Mac

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Although the entire song is not about daughters, it’s one of the aspects the song discusses. From Fleetwood Mac’s namesake album, “Landslide” tackles being a young woman and the challenges she faces in life.

Every woman is a daughter, and Fleetwood Mac expresses through their lyricism that getting older is scary. The singer doesn’t know if she can handle it.

In a way, this song addresses what life is like without the protection of a parent. The daughter doesn’t know if the love they instilled within her is enough without them by her side.

31. “Daddy’s Little Girl” By Michael Bublé

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It’s only fitting to end our list with a song that pays tribute to every daughter out there. Michael Bublé released “Daddy’s Little Girl” in 2002 from his album Dream.

For the singer, his daughter is many things. She’s the “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow. A shining star. A precious gem. The spirit of Christmas. She can be all the nice things that add meaning to her parent’s life. But above all, she is her daddy’s little girl.

The song shows that a father will hold his daughter close to his heart. He will cherish her and treat her the way she deserves.

Summing Up Our List Of Daughter Songs

Daughters make life brighter and fuller. While most of these songs are told from a parental perspective, it only highlights the importance daughters hold in their hearts.

If you’re a parent to a daughter, we hope that the songs made you realize more about how precious daughters are. If you’re a daughter, we hope you’ve had wonderful memories growing up.

And if you’re neither, we still wish that you enjoyed these odes to the daughters who are also sisters, cousins, mothers, and aunts.

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