With the Fortnite Lever Action Shotgun, or Lever Shotgun as some call it,making a return to the game with the recent V25.20 update, fans are wanting to know where they can get it, and if it’s worth using at all. It’s been missing from the game since the start of Chapter 4, but with its return, it’s set to give players a few more options to choose from.

If you’re playing the recent update, you’ll want to know where to find the Fortnite Mammoth Pistol, too. And if you’re excited about the Futurama crossover, then be sure to check out where to find Bender’s Ray Gun in Fortnite as well. For now, let’s take a look at where to find the Fortnite Lever Action Shotgun and some tips on how you can best use it.

Where can you find the Lever Action Shotgun in Fortnite?

Luckily the Lever Action Shotgun is very easy to acquire and can be found in all the places you would typically find weapons. This includes ground loot, in chests, in Holo-Chests, and in Supply Drones. Basically, even if you don’t go looking for the Lever Action Shotgun specifically, you’ll probably come across one eventually anyway.

How do you use the Lever Action Shotgun in Fortnite?

Like most shotguns, the best way to use the Lever Action Shotgun is to aim for headshots, up-close to enemies. Because of the spread of the pellets when firing, you want to be as close to someone when you use the shotgun as possible, to make sure most of the pellets hit. 

Common and Uncommon variants are capable of killing a player with three body shots, while the Rare and Legendary variants only require two, making it a great option to ambush someone with. If you’re using it up close, it’s also quite forgiving, as so long as you’re hitting the majority of the pellets, you’ll still deal some pretty hefty damage.


That’s everything you need to know about where to find the Fortnite Lever Action Shotgun and how to use it. If you haven’t played the recent update yet and want to know what’s changed, check out the patch notes. And if you’re struggling with how to solve a puzzle at a ruin in Fortnite, our guide will help you out.

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Berthe Lefurgey
Berthe Lefurgey est une journaliste chevronnée, passionnée par la technologie et l'innovation, qui fait actuellement ses armes en tant que rédactrice de premier plan pour TechTribune France. Avec une carrière de plus de dix ans dans le monde du journalisme technologique, Berthe s'est imposée comme une voix de confiance dans l'industrie. Pour en savoir plus sur elle, cliquez ici. Pour la contacter cliquez ici


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