Updated: Jul 27, 2023 2:01 pm

How To ‘Sprint Distance While Under The Effects Of Slap’ In Fortnite

While a good team and having the right weapon is the best way to stay alive while in Fortnite from Epic Games, that’s not all there is to the game. Sometimes, you just need to be fast enough to slip away, whether while sprinting or under the effects of Slap.

Weapons and loot are always great in a battle royale game, like Bender’s Shiny Metal Raygun or other new weapons, but they won’t always save you. You’ll need to get out quickly by sprinting, and you can use the effects of the Slap mechanic to get out even quicker or to run toward a fight with opponents.

Need help sprinting under the effects of Slap in Fortnite? That’s what we’re here for. We’ll let you know how to sprint distances under the effect.


Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 – How to complete ‘Sprint distance while under the effects of Slap’

This quest seems pretty easy but only if you know what you’re doing. We’ve got a quick answer here but look before for more details. To complete Sprint distance while under the effects of Slap:

  • Get the slap effect
  • Sprint without interruption

How to get the Slap effect

In order to sprint distances under the Slap effect, you’ll first need to get the Slap effect ready to go. There are four different consumables you can get to activate the Slap effect:

  • Slap Berry
  • Slap Juice
  • Slap Barrels
  • Slap Splash

These consumables can be found on the island to pick up or purchased from various NPCs around the map, and the items are uncommon or rare in rarity.

All of these will have the Slap effect applied to your character after consuming them, which allows you to have unlimited stamina for a short period of time. You’ll be able to tell when this effect is on you by the orange glow around your feet. From there you can sprint to your heart’s content.

Best place to Sprint while under the effect of Slap

Now that you’ve got the Slap effect, where should you be sprinting? The answer is simple; anywhere, though we’d recommend Slappy Shores for completing this challenge.

To sprint, all you need to do is:

  • Click Left Shift on keyboard
  • Press down the Left Stick button on controller

You can cover long distances much quicker without your stamina depleting, and there are many quests with XP rewards that require you to sprint while under the effects of Slap, regardless of where it is.

This effect is great no matter what you’re doing in the battle royale, whether in combat or just traveling because it provides an amazing boost to one of the core abilities of the game. If your shields are depleted, sprinting away can get you out of danger. If you’ve just popped up at one of the spawns, it can take you to the action quicker. Maybe you just want to run laps. The gameplay moves much quicker when your stamina doesn’t run out.

The only downside is that the Slap effect doesn’t last forever. Sometimes you’ll need to mantle instead, or can’t keep sprinting because you’re in a fight. The Slap effect will reach its maximum time, and that orange glow will disappear. Use it wisely while you have it!

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Berthe Lefurgey
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