Following the surprising but welcome announcement of a Futurama crossover, Fortnite fans are now hoping for a future collaboration with another similarly themed television series in The Simpsons. With the satirical Springfield-based TV show having garnered a massive and loyal following over the years due to its crass nature and dark humor, a hypothetical partnership between these two entertainment giants would undoubtedly bring more attention to both franchises as a result.

Over on Reddit, some players have even started offering up their own cosmetic suggestions that would surely make it onto the list of Fortnite best skins as evidenced by papa_geo‘s post. In it, they simply stated: “Hopefully, [Epic Games does a] Fortnite x Simpsons [crossover] next,” after which they attached a short clip of a speculative skin they created for the hypothetical collaboration that featured Springfield Elementary bus driver, Otto Mann. They then added: “This is a render I did in Blender that’s in the same npr style as Rick Sanchez, Naruto, DBZ, etc.”

Naturally, most of the commenters below the thread agreed with the post creator’s suggestion as evidenced by deedopete‘s thematic response that said: “[The] Simpsons would be awesome, but is Bart too short? I hope not [because] if so, they can eat my shorts!” Of course, this isn’t the first time that a theoretical The Simpsons collaboration has been floated around the community as MrPuma86‘s similar post from a few months ago shows just how much backing this crossover would have if it ever came to fruition.

Although this speculative crossover won’t be anything close to the long-awaited The Simpsons Hit and Run remake that classic gaming enthusiasts have been waiting for, it should still excite both communities if it were ever to be announced. For now, though, you’ll just have to wait until Epic Games takes notice of the fan base’s requests to bring in everyone’s favorite Lard Lad-loving family to Fortnite.

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Berthe Lefurgey
Berthe Lefurgey est une journaliste chevronnée, passionnée par la technologie et l'innovation, qui fait actuellement ses armes en tant que rédactrice de premier plan pour TechTribune France. Avec une carrière de plus de dix ans dans le monde du journalisme technologique, Berthe s'est imposée comme une voix de confiance dans l'industrie. Pour en savoir plus sur elle, cliquez ici. Pour la contacter cliquez ici


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