Apple has reportedly charged counter claims against Epic Games, the creator of Fortnite, in a bid to recover lost fees and other damges from Apple App Store. The tech major also seeks an order for stopping the game maker from continuing its own in-app payment system.

The two companies have been in a legal battle since the month of August, when the creator of Fortnite rolled out its own in-app payment system, with an intention of circumventing what it named the monopolistic practices of Apple. As stated by sources, Apple’s App Store makes it essential for developers to deploy Apple’s payment system and make payment of 30 per cent in commissions.

According to Apple, it would permit Epic Games’ Fortnite back into the store, provided the game maker removed the direct payment facility for complying with its developer agreement. Epic Games has, however, turned down the proposal stating that compliance with Apple’s request would mean collusion with Apple for the maintenance of its monopoly over in-app payments on iOS.

Apple has reportedly blocked Epic’s capability for the distribution of new apps or updates via the App Store. Epic games sued Apple alleging that its App Store practices are violative of the antitrust laws. While the court has permitted Apple to prevent Epic Games from distributing new titles while the case plays out, Epic’s payment system and the present version of ‘Fortnite’ is still working.

While Apple has not specified as to how much money it was asking over the payment feature, the tech giant has also sought for damages for harm to its reputation from the frustrated ‘Fortnite’ players.


Sources state that Epic Games has rolled out a public relations campaign against Apple, comprising a parody of Apple’s ‘1984’ television commercial along with a playable apple-headed character called ‘Tart Tycoon’, bearing some resemblance to Tim Cook, the Chief Executive of Apple.


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