Apex Legends Season 17: Arsenal has introduced loads of changes to Respawn’s popular battle royale, including major changes to World’s Edge, a completely revamped firing range, and, of course, a new legend with some serious firepower. But with all these new additions, it’s easy to miss the biggest game-changer of them all: Apex’s new Weapon Mastery system.

According to Respawn, the new feature was created in the hopes of giving new players a better introduction to the strengths of individual weapons while also giving veteran players something new to grind for. But the system itself can take a little getting used to. If you’ve found yourself wondering where to start–or simply looking for tips to help speed up the process–keep reading for an in-depth guide to help you Master Apex’s new Weapon Mastery system.


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The basics

Each weapon has its own mastery track with its own unique challenge, and all weapons start at level 1, with the potential to level up to 100. But every 20 levels, players are faced with a special challenge, referred to in-game as a Trial. Each weapon has five Trials, and completing all five trials on any weapon will unlock the Legendary-tier Weapons Master universal banner frame.

Trials are the only levels that will require players to pull off unique feats with their weapon of choice, but aside from Trials, climbing the rungs to level 100 is simply a matter of acquiring XP by using your weapon regularly. XP can be gained from any mode, including battle royale (both Ranked and non-Ranked) and Mixtape Mode. But not all weapon usage methods are created equal–at least not when it comes to earning XP.


Each level requires more XP than the last, with a total of 1,000,000 XP required to reach full mastery on a single weapon (in addition to completing all five Trials). But there are several ways to get XP, and some of them are rather surprising.

Weapon Mastery XP can be gained in the following ways:

Dealing damage

This one’s pretty obvious–the more damage you do, the more XP you earn. But there are additional XP bonuses for inflicting damage while sliding, zipping, and jumping


Kills earn additional XP, though the game does not get specific regarding the amount of XP earned from kills.


Inflicting critical hit damage via headshots will net you the maximum amount of bonus XP, but again, the game declines to inform players what that amount is.

Holding your weapon

Perhaps the oddest–and easiest–way to earn XP is to hold the weapon you want to level in your hands as much as possible. Simply having it equipped but stowed away does not generate XP, but keeping it on-hand does. Players will want to be aware of their surroundings when farming XP in this manner, as holding an un-stowed weapon significantly decreases your sprinting speed.

Weapon Mastery Xp Can Be Earned In A Number Of Ways, The Easiest Of Which Is Simply Holding Your Weapon.
Weapon Mastery XP can be earned in a number of ways, the easiest of which is simply holding your weapon.


Trial tasks are not visible until players have unlocked them, so we’ve listed the Trials for each weapon–and the levels at which players will face them–below:


  • 20: Return Fire: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds after they fired at you
  • 40: Low Battery: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds after they started recharging their shields
  • 60: Bye Bye: Kill 1 downed enemy being revived, and within 8 seconds kill the enemy that was reviving them
  • 80: Go Turbo!: In one match, kill 5 enemies with a Turbocharger equipped
  • 100: In a Bind: Stick an Arc Star to an enemy and then knock them

Hemlok Burst AR

  • 20: Fire Selector: Knock 1 enemy while ADS in Single-Fire mode
  • 40: Quick Death: Knock 1 enemy and then kill them within 5 seconds
  • 60: Lucky Shot: Land all 3 rounds of a burst with at least 1 of them being a headshot
  • 80: Blind Aggression: Knock 1 enemy while ADS by landing all 3 rounds of a burst
  • 100: Hemlocked and Loaded: Get a Double Kill from 50+ meters away

Nemesis Burst AR

  • 20: Charged Up: Knock 1 enemy at 100% charge
  • 40: Avenger: Kill 1 enemy within 10 seconds after they killed your teammate
  • 60: Best Served Cold: Kill 1 enemy that downed you previously in the same match
  • 80: Double Up: Get a double kill after reloading once
  • 100: Double Time: Get a double kill with the charge never going below 100%

R-301 Carbine

  • 20: Aim & Shoot!: Knock 1 enemy 50+ meters away while ADS
  • 40: Sun Burn: Kill 1 enemy while they’re outside the Ring
  • 60: R301000: Deal 1000 damage in one match
  • 80: Accessorized: Kill 3 enemies while having 1 of every attachment equipped
  • 100: Tacticool!: Get a double kill after performing a tactical reload

VK-47 Flatline

  • 20: Optimal: Knock 1 enemy while ADS and with an optic equipped
  • 40: Impactful: Knock 1 enemy 50+ meters away in Single-Fire mode
  • 60: Flexible: Knock 1 enemy while hipfiring after damage was dealt to them while ADSing
  • 80: Flatlined: Knock 1 enemy within 15 seconds after you get revived
  • 100: Cracked: In one match, crack 10 shields

Alternator SMG

  • 20: Iron Eyes: Knock 1 enemy while ADS without an optic equipped
  • 40: Alternate Fire: Knock 1 enemy while ADS after damage was dealt to them with hipfire
  • 60: Eyes Up: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds after reloading
  • 80: Iron Clad: Knock 2 enemies without getting your armor cracked
  • 100: Champ: In one match, kill 3 enemies with a Level 3 Extended Light Mag equipped


  • 20: Heavy Duty: Knock 1 enemy while using Heavy Rounds and with an Extended Light Mag equipped
  • 40: Lightweight: Knock 1 enemy while using Light Rounds and with an Extended Heavy Mag equipped
  • 60: Switch Hitter: In one match, kill 2 enemies, one kill being done with Heavy Rounds and the other with Light Rounds
  • 80: Stand Strong: In one match, kill 3 enemies without getting knocked
  • 100: Start Fresh: Knock 1 enemy within 20 seconds after swapping ammo types

Prowler Burst PDW

  • 20: Hunter: Kill 5 Prowlers in one match
  • 40: Paydirt: Knock 1 enemy with hipfire, while sliding, with a Laser Sight equipped
  • 60: No Shot Wasted: Land at least 1 round of a burst with a Level 3 Extended Heavy Mag equipped
  • 80: Ring Fight: Kill 2 enemies while both you and them are outside the Ring
  • 100 5×5: In one match, kill 5 enemies with all the highest tier attachments and any optic equipped

R-99 SMG

  • 20: Last Hop: Knock 1 enemy while they’re in the air
  • 40: Relentless: Knock 1 enemy with hipfire while never releasing the trigger
  • 60: Quick Thinking: In one match, knock 3 enemies, with each knock being done within 5 seconds after switching to the R-99
  • 80: Personal Space: Knock 2 enemies 10+ meters away in one match with a Laser Sight equipped
  • 100: 1 Clip: Land every round of a magazine

Volt SMG

  • 20: Eagle Eye: Knock 1 enemy 40+ meters away while ADS
  • 40: Survivor: Knock 1 enemy while you have 20 HP or less
  • 60: Slick: Knock 1 enemy while sliding and never releasing the trigger
  • 80: Rapid Fire: In one match, knock 2 enemies, both within 5 seconds
  • 100: Onslaught: Crack an enemy’s shield from 50+ meters away, then knock an enemy within 10 meters within 8 seconds

Devotion LMG

  • 20: Acceleration: Knock 1 enemy while the Devotion is fully sped-up
  • 40: Go Turbo: Kill 1 enemy with hipfire with a Turbocharger equipped
  • 60: Exodia: Kill 1 enemy with all the highest tier attachments equipped, not including the optic
  • 80: Big Brother: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds after they’ve damaged you with an HAVOC Rifle
  • 100: 2 for 1: Knock 2 enemies with the same magazine, while never releasing the trigger


  • LV 20: Up Close and Personal: Knock 1 enemy with hipfire within 10 meters without overheating
  • LV 40: I Know Your Pain: Knock 1 enemy while they’re also using an L-STAR EMG
  • LV 60: Disciplined: Knock 1 enemy, break their Knockdown Shield and kill them, without overheating
  • LV 80: U Mag Bro?: Knock 1 enemy while they’re reloading
  • LV 100: Super Star: In one match, kill 3 enemies and never overheat

M600 Spitfire

  • 20: Vulnerability: In one match, crack 2 enemies of the same squad’s shields
  • 40: Combined Fire: In one match, get 3 assists
  • 60: Broken Shields: Knock 1 enemy and break their Knockdown Shield
  • 80: Travel Light: In one match, knock 2 enemies without reloading
  • 100: Close Enough: In one match, fire at least 500 rounds with at least 51% accuracy

Rampage LMG

  • 20: Rain Hellfire: Knock 1 enemy while being Revved Up and while having the higher ground
  • 40: Nothing to Lose: Knock 1 enemy while revving up your last magazine
  • 60: Be Prepared: In one match, knock 2 enemies without reloading
  • 80: Rampage!: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds after destroying a door, while never releasing the trigger
  • 100: Revved Up: In one match, knock 2 enemies 40+ meters away while the Rampage is revved up

30-30 Repeater

  • 20: The Reaper: Knock 1 enemy with a fully charged shot
  • 40: Make It Count: Knock 1 enemy while ADS, with only the first shot being fully charged
  • 60: Nowhere to Run: In one match, knock 3 enemies while never emptying the magazine
  • 80: Top Up: Knock 1 enemy 150+ meters away with a fully charged headshot
  • 100: Ranger: Kill 1 full squad with all the highest weapon attachments and the 3x HCOG Ranger optic equipped


  • 20: Robin Hood: Knock 1 enemy while ADS with a fully charged shot
  • 40: The Sticking Point: Knock 1 enemy within 5 meters with hipfire
  • 60: Head to Head: In one match, knock 2 enemies with headshots
  • 80: Gatekeeper: Knock 1 enemy while you’re inside the Ring and they aren’t
  • 100: True Archer: Get a double kill from 120+ meters away

G7 Scout

  • 20: Adaptable: Knock 1 enemy while ADS, without an optic equipped
  • 40: Getting Ahead: Knock 1 enemy while landing at least one headshot within 30 seconds, without switching weapons
  • 60: Spotted: Knock 1 enemy 80+ meters away
  • 80: Flow State: In one match, deal 500 damage from 120+ meters away
  • 100 Break Free: In one match, crack 2 shields from 100+ meters away without reloading

Triple Take

  • 20: Pew Pew!: Knock 1 enemy with hipfire
  • 40: Choking Hazard: Knock 1 enemy with a fully choked shot
  • 60: Baited: Knock 1 enemy who is doing a Finisher on one of your teammates
  • 80: Landed: In one match, land all 3 rounds of a shot 10 times
  • 100: All Choked Up: In one match, knock 2 enemies with a fully choked headshot

Charge Rifle

  • 20: I See You…: Knock 1 enemy while ADS with any Sniper optic equipped
  • 40: One Charged Gun: In one match, crack 3 shields with the final shot of a beam
  • 60: Light Show: Knock 1 enemy after they’ve dealt at least 20 damage to you with the Charge Rifle
  • 80: Cauterized: Hit multiple targets with one pull of the trigger
  • 100: Go The Distance: In one match, knock 2 enemies and then kill them while they’re downed from 200+ meters away


  • 20: Efficiency: Deal 500+ damage without reloading
  • 40: 1 Shot 1 Kill: Knock 1 enemy with 1 shot
  • 60: Happy Birthday: Hit 2 enemies with 1 shot
  • 80: Gooser: Knock 1 enemy while they’re skydiving
  • 100: Get the Camera: Knock 1 enemy with a 360 no scope

Longbow DMR

  • 20: Teamwork: Knock 1 enemy with a headshot within 8 seconds after they’ve been damaged by your teammate
  • 40: It’s Mine: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds after they’ve opened a Care Package
  • 60: Savior: Knock 1 enemy within 8 seconds after they’ve damaged your teammate
  • 80: No Second Chance: Knock 1 enemy within 15 seconds after they’ve been respawned
  • 100: Precise Shots: In one match, land 3 consecutive headshots


  • 20: Amped Up: Knock 1 enemy while Amped
  • 40: Death Trap: Knock 1 enemy with a headshot within 5 seconds after they’ve opened a Death Box
  • 60: Feel The Rhythm: Land 2 headshots in a row while in Tempo
  • 80: Gotcha: Knock 1 enemy 200+ meters away with a headshot
  • 100: Simple Geometry: Knock 1 enemy in the air with an Amped headshot


  • 20: Full Auto: Knock 1 enemy while never releasing the trigger
  • 40: Hardcore: Knock 1 enemy with hipfire with a Level 3 Shotgun Bolt equipped
  • 60: Knock Knock!: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds after breaking a door with a grenade
  • 80: Non-stop: In one match, knock 2 enemies while never releasing the trigger
  • 100: Two Birds: Get a Double Kill with hipfire


  • 20: Full Picture: Land all pellets of a blast
  • 40: Party Mode: Damage 2 enemies in one shot
  • 60: Eye to Eye: Knock 1 enemy while ADS with a headshot
  • 80: BOOM!: Knock 1 enemy with a Level 3 Shotgun Bolt equipped
  • 100: High Roller: Deal 400 damage within 6 shots


  • 20: Mozambique Here: Knock 1 enemy within 15 seconds after picking a Mozambique up
  • 40: It’s Full Auto?!: Knock 1 enemy while ADS and never releasing the trigger
  • 60: Mozambique over there: Knock 1 enemy 25+ meters away while ADS
  • 80: Mozambique Main: In one match, deal 1500 damage
  • 100: All Star: In one match, kill 3 enemies while having 2 Mozambiques equipped


  • 20: Full Star: Knock 1 enemy by landing all pellets of a blast
  • 40: Pull!: Knock 1 enemy with hipfire while they’re in the air
  • 60: Here’s Peacekeeper!: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds after breaking a door
  • 80: Shhh…: In one match, knock 3 enemies with fully choked shots
  • 100: Smooth Criminal: In one match, knock 3 enemies while sliding


  • 20: Cracked: Crack one white EVO shield
  • 40: Locked and Loaded: Knock 1 enemy within 15 seconds after picking a P2020 up
  • 60: All Fall Down: In one match, knock 3 enemies while having a Level 3 or better Extended Light Mag equipped
  • 80 :Fresh Meat: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds of cracking their shields
  • 100: 4040: In one match, kill 2 enemies within 1 minute, while having 2 P2020s equipped, with both P2020s being used in each kill


  • 20: Quickdraw: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds after switching to the RE-45
  • 40: Coup-de-Grace: Kill 1 downed enemy
  • 60: Packed: Knock 1 enemy with hipfire while having a Level 3 or better Extended Light Mag equipped
  • 80: Rock and Roll: Knock 1 enemy with hipfire while sliding
  • 100: Trigger Happy: Knock 1 enemy within 5 seconds of reloading


  • 20: Top Gun: Knock 1 enemy while ADS
  • 40: Gunslinger: Knock 1 enemy from 70+ meters away
  • 60: Bullseye: Land 2 headshots in a row
  • 80: Dogfight: Knock 1 enemy who is also using a Wingman
  • 100: Wing it: Knock 1 enemy while both you and them are in the air
Fully Mastering A Weapon Will Earn Players A Universal Banner Frame (And Universal Bragging Rights).
Fully mastering a weapon will earn players a universal banner frame (and universal bragging rights).


A lot of the Weapon Mastery system’s Trials simply come down to luck, so in some situations, it may be best to just play whichever legend you like best. But there are two legends we’ve found to be extremely useful when it comes to gaining Weapon Mastery XP: Ballistic and Mad Maggie

Ballistic’s powerful Tempest ability applies a buff to him (and any nearby teammates) which increases reloading speed. But it also provides a massive speed buff when sprinting with a weapon in your hand. Since extra XP can be gained by simply having a weapon out, Ballistic is an excellent choice to play, as Tempest allows him to run and gun without having to stow a weapon to gain speed.

Mad Maggie is another good choice, but mainly for mastering shotguns. Her passive Warlord’s Ire ability increases her movement speed when she’s holding a shotgun, which also comes in handy for the un-stowed weapon XP boost.

Ultimately, some Trials will be surprisingly easy for some players, while others may struggle to achieve them. Patience and focus go a long way when it comes to these challenges, especially since so many Trials are partially based on luck or the behavior of enemy players. Still, now that you know the ropes, you’ll be mastering Apex’s weapons in no time. Well, maybe not no time– even mastering one weapon takes a great deal patience and effort. It’s going to be a long road no matter which path you take, so remember to be patient with yourself and your squad, especially when it comes to the few Trials that are almost entirely up to the RNG gods.

The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. GameSpot may get a share of the revenue if you buy anything featured on our site.

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