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WASHINGTON – The fate of President Joe Biden’s $400 billion student debt relief plan – as well as a hotly debated law that shields Big Tech companies like Google from lawsuits – will come into sharper focus in coming days as the Supreme Court returns to the bench this week and resumes oral arguments. 

Both cases will likely draw tough questions from the court’s conservative majority. 


First up: The high court will hear oral arguments Tuesday in a dispute between Google and the family of an American killed in an Islamic State group attack in Paris in 2015. That case will require the court to wade into a growing debate over whether and when Big Tech should be shielded from lawsuits for online content.

The court Thursday dumped a third high-profile issue that had been on its calendar: Immigration. It pulled a case dealing with the pandemic-era Title 42 program, which allows for the rapid removal of certain migrants because of COVID-19. The court didn’t explain its decision but the Biden administration announced weeks earlier it will in May end the emergency declarations that authorized the removals.          

Guide: A summary of the biggest cases pending at the Supreme Court

Big picture: Biden’s ability to act faces ‘major’ legal hurdle at Supreme Court 

When are the major upcoming cases?  

  • The Supreme Court will hear arguments Feb. 28 in two cases dealing with Biden’s effort to cancel up to $20,000 in student loan debt for some borrowers, a program that could affect 40 million Americans.  
  • On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Supreme Court will take up separate cases that may clarify under what circumstances internet platforms like Google and Twitter can be sued and punished for content on their sites.             

What’s happening with Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan?

A federal appeals court blocked President Joe Biden’s student loan program in October and it’s been tied up in various courts ever since. The Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments in two cases and declined to reinstate the program in the meantime.

Those arguments are set for Feb. 28.

Student loan payments are set to restart in 2023: Here’s how borrowers should prepare.

One of the questions in play: Whether Biden exceeded his authority by implementing the loan forgiveness plan without going through Congress. The government is likely to face questions about why the program is still needed now that Biden plans to end emergencies declared because of COVID-19.

States: Which states benefit the most from Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan? 

Argument: Biden urges Supreme Court to allow loan forgiveness effort to take effect

The administration argues the law allows loan forgiveness for borrowers who were affected by the emergency, even if the emergency is over.

The plaintiffs were « already arguing the improved economic conditions » meant there was no legal basis for the loan forgiveness, said Michael C. Dorf, a law professor at Cornell University. But, he said, « it was always open to the administration to argue – as it does argue – that the effects of an economic downturn … linger long after the downturn ends. »

The cases are Biden v. Nebraska and Department of Education. v. Brown

Biden’s plan would cancel up to $20,000 in student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients, and $10,000 for other borrowers, for people earning up to $125,000 a year or part of a household where total earnings are no more than $250,000. 

Will the Supreme Court ‘upend’ the internet?

The Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday in a case about whether internet platforms such as Google may be liable for targeted recommendations, such as when YouTube suggests a follow-up video. The family of an American killed in a terrorist attack says YouTube, through its algorithms, recommended videos that aided extremists.

That case, Gonzalez v. Google, will thrust the court into a fierce debate over Section 230, a law widely interpreted as shielding Big Tech from such lawsuits.  

Explainer: Everything you need to know about Section 230 and why everyone hates it

Thomas: As Supreme Court takes on Google, Thomas has made his thoughts clear

In a separate but related case Wednesday, the court will debate whether Twitter, Google and Facebook can be held liable under a 2016 law for “aiding and abetting” the Islamic State group.

Will the Supreme Court stop migrant removals under Title 42?   

Biden wants to end the pandemic-era policy that allows for the rapid removal of migrants. And in November, a federal court required the administration to stop those removals. But a group of conservative state officials who say their states would be adversely affected want to step into the case and defend the use of Title 42.

The Supreme Court had been set to hear arguments in Arizona v. Mayorkas on March 1. But the court announced Thursday it was removing the case from its calendar – though the appeal wasn’t dismissed and remains pending before the justices.   

The question for the high court is whether the states – including Arizona, Louisiana and Missouri – may jump into the fight. If the court rules they can, it would prolong the legal battle and keep Title 42 in place.

Explainer: What is Title 42? Why Republicans and Democrats want it to stay

Immigration: Biden hunts for answers to migrant crisis. His policies are tied up in court

Though the court didn’t explain its decision about arguments in the case, it likely is because Biden plans to end the COVID-19 emergency declarations in May. The emergencies are what allowed the Trump and Biden administrations to expedite removals. Without them, the government argues, the states’ case falls apart.

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Violette Laurent est une blogueuse tech nantaise diplômée en communication de masse et douée pour l'écriture. Elle est la rédactrice en chef de fr.techtribune.net. Les sujets de prédilection de Violette sont la technologie et la cryptographie. Elle est également une grande fan d'Anime et de Manga.


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