Net Savings Link Inc (OTCMKTS: NSAV) a fait une forte progression dans les charts ces dernières semaines depuis une baisse importante au début du mois après qu’il est devenu évident qu’il faudra encore 90 jours avant que l’échange ne soit fonctionnel, sous réserve de problèmes juridiques, réglementaires et de licence. . L’avocat de la société en matière de crypto-monnaie et de blockchain veillera à ce que NSAV se conforme pleinement aux réglementations mises en œuvre par le Congrès américain et la SEC. NSAV vise à devenir la deuxième société cotée en bourse aux États-Unis à posséder un échange de crypto-monnaie, après l’introduction en bourse de Coinbase en avril, qui valorisait Coinbase à plus de 85 milliards de dollars. La Société détiendra 100 % de la bourse et portera la marque NSAV. La valeur du marché mondial des crypto-monnaies dépasse désormais les 2 000 milliards de dollars. NSAV prévoit de lancer un échange de crypto-monnaie décentralisé (DEX) et de le rendre pleinement opérationnel et commercial dans les 45 à 60 prochains jours. Comme pour son échange centralisé de crypto-monnaie (, la Société détiendra 100 % de l’échange et portera également la marque NSAV. Avec le lancement de son DEX, cela donnerait à NSAV deux échanges de crypto-monnaie. NSAV compte un grand nombre d’investisseurs, dont certains grands noms des petites capitalisations, et continue d’être parmi les actions les plus recherchées pour les petites capitalisations et peut évoluer rapidement. Une cassure au-dessus de 0,1493 et ​​son ciel bleu à venir.

NSAV continue de faire de grands mouvements ; NSAV a annoncé son intention de lancer un jeton de gouvernance, qui, selon la direction, sera un énorme avantage pour son NSAV Exchange. Jeton de gouvernance d’Uniswap, UNI a été lancé en 2020 à un prix d’environ 1,00 $ et se négocie actuellement à plus de 26,00 $ en raison de l’utilité des jetons de gouvernance, qui leur permettent de s’apprécier rapidement. La Société a nommé Silverbear Capital Inc. pour l’assister sur les questions stratégiques relatives à l’échange de crypto-monnaie de la Société. NSAV prévoit de lancer un échange de crypto-monnaie décentralisé (DEX) et de le rendre pleinement opérationnel et commercial dans les 45 à 60 prochains jours. Comme avec son échange centralisé de crypto-monnaie (, la Société détiendra 100 % de la bourse et portera également la marque NSAV. Avec le lancement de son DEX, cela donnerait à NSAV deux échanges de crypto-monnaie. La nouvelle direction de NSAV estime que cette décision est le moyen le plus rapide et le plus efficace pour la société d’avoir un échange de crypto-monnaie pleinement opérationnel et d’obtenir une part du marché mondial des crypto-monnaies de plus de 2 000 milliards de dollars. Parallèlement au lancement du NSAV Exchange ainsi que du nouveau Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (DEX), NSAV prévoit de lancer un Premium OTC Crypto Trading Desk d’ici la mi-septembre. Le bureau OTC de NSAV offrira un service privé et personnalisé aux institutions et aux particuliers fortunés qui négocient de gros blocs de crypto-monnaie. Les OTC Crypto Trading Desks offrent une liquidité accrue (sans glissement), une protection des prix, l’anonymat, le support Fiat, des achats illimités et l’achat de jetons rares, qui ne sont pas disponibles sur les bourses. NSAVs OTC Desk fournira à ses clients des services d’exécution et de règlement sécurisés, compétitifs et discrets. NSAV a également annoncé être en négociations sur plusieurs projets d’intelligence artificielle (IA). La direction croit en la chimie entre la blockchain et l’IA et, à cette fin, a intégré un nouveau vice-président senior de la technologie, Stanley Yu, afin de renforcer son département technologique. Stanley a plus de 30 ans d’expérience en gestion d’entreprise. Stanley a passé 10 ans à des postes techniques et de gestion supérieurs dans les laboratoires de recherche IBM et SUN Microsystems. Stanley est également partenaire de la principale banque d’investissement Silverbear Capital Inc.

Umnb[NsavNet Savings Link Inc (OTCMKTS: NSAV) is a cryptocurrency, blockchain and digital asset technology company, whose vision is the establishment of a fully integrated technology company that provides turnkey technological solutions to the cryptocurrency, blockchain and digital asset industries. Over time, the Company plans to provide a wide range of services such as software solutions, e-commerce, advisory services, financial services and information technology. 

Ygyyvmeet The Team Nsav

On July 9 the Company launched its wholly owned Cryptocurrency Exchange, which carries the NSAV brand name. The NSAV Exchange makes NSAV only the second U.S. publicly traded company to own a Cryptocurrency Exchange, following the Coinbase IPO in April, which valued Coinbase at over $85 billion. The launch officially marks the Company’s entrance into the $2 trillion global cryptocurrency market. The NSAV Exchange is fully functional. NSAV says it anticipates having its NSAV Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange trading within 90 days, subject to legal, regulatory and licensing issues. The Company’s cryptocurrency and blockchain attorney will ensure that NSAV fully complies with regulations implemented by the U.S. Congress and the SEC. 


NSAV plans to launch a governance token, which management believes will be a huge benefit for its NSAV Exchange. Uniswap’s governance token, UNI was launched in 2020 at a price of around $1.00 and is currently trading at over $26.00 due to the utility of governance tokens, which allow them to appreciate rapidly. The Company appointed Silverbear Capital Inc. to assist them on strategic matters relating to the Company’s cryptocurrency exchange. Silverbear will also help guide NSAV in ensuring that its exchange is continually in compliance, given the rapidly increasing regulatory environment in the cryptocurrency industry. 

The Company brought on Mr. Dato’ Sri Desmond Lim as interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  Mr. Lim is the Co-Founder of the world-renowned World Glove City Project in Malaysia and a partner at Silverbear Capital. Mr. Lim has extensive finance and fund management experience and is instrumental in turnkey and financial solutions for Silverbear’s private clients. He has access to numerous global fund managers across the board, in the US, Europe, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Under his portfolio projects, Mr. Lim is responsible for Corporate exercise, Pre-IPO, implementing investment strategy and managing portfolio trading activities to provide the best returns to investors and stakeholders. 

NSAV management believes that the Company can capture a significant share of the massive Chinese cryptocurrency market, given the expertise of its management and strategic partners. Presently, the Huobi Cryptocurrency Exchange has a 24-hour trading volume of over $6 billion and 40% of its users are from China. Huobi is number 3 globally in daily revenue at $2.29 million, behind only Upbit $3.42 million and industry leader, Binance at $3.48 million. 


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Chtepnsav Why To Own 100Microcapdaily has reported on NSAV many times before starting on February 13 after NSAV made a brief dip below the $0.01 mark stating at the time: “NSAV (Net Savings Link) is on a wild run up the charts in recent months skyrocketing out of the triple zeros to recent highs of $0.0172 per share. The stock has been under heavy accumulation recently and volume has picked up substantially with NSAV regularly trading several hundred million shares per day. NSAV started its move up in December moving up off the triple zeroes and moving northbound as a new era of penny stock speculators fueled by robinhood and its 100 million new trading accounts take on the bulletin boards. These are different times than just a few short years ago; now penny stocks such as TSNP can achieve a $6 billion plus market valuation and trade $375 million in dollar volume in a day on the bulletin boards. And TSNP has no stronger fundamentals than NSAV does. In fact NSAVs new Swiss Cryptocurrency Trading Platform; VirtuaBroker Ltd looks to be significantly superior to the HUMBL payment gateway.” 

NSAV is planning to launch a Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (DEX) and have it fully operational and trading within the next 45 to 60 days. As with its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (, the Company will own 100% of the exchange and it will also carry the NSAV brand name. With the launch of its DEX, this would give NSAV two cryptocurrency exchanges. The new management of NSAV believes that this move is the fastest and most efficient way for the Company to have a fully operational cryptocurrency exchange and obtain a share of the over $2 trillion global cryptocurrency market. The Company is also in negotiations on several Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects. The management believes in the chemistry between blockchain and AI and to that end, has onboarded a new Senior Vice President of Technology, Stanley Yu, in order to bolster its technology department. Stanley has over 30 years of senior corporate management experience. Stanley spent 10 years in senior technical and management roles at IBM research labs and SUN Microsystems. Stanley is also a partner at leading investment banking firm Silverbear Capital Inc. 

Along with the launches of the NSAV Exchange as well as the new Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (DEX) NSAV plans to launch a Premium OTC Crypto Trading Desk by mid-September. NSAVs OTC Desk will offer private and personalized service to institutions and high net-worth individuals that trade large blocks of cryptocurrency. OTC Crypto Trading Desks offer increased liquidity (without slippage), price protection, anonymity, Fiat support, unlimited purchases and the purchase of rare tokens, which are not available on exchanges. NSAVs OTC Desk will provide its clients with execution and settlement services that are secure, competitive and discreet. Today, nearly all major crypto exchanges have their own OTC Desk. Kraken , in 2019, acquired major OTC Crypto Trading Desk, Circle Trade, and is now one of the worlds leading OTC Crypto Trading Desks. The Companys management believes that having its own OTC Crypto Trading Desk will be a huge benefit to NSAV and all of its shareholders, as it ascends to the next level.

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Net Savings Link Inc (OTCMKTS: NSAV) is making a powerful run up the charts in recent weeks since a major dip earlier this month after it became apparent it will be another 90 days before the excchange is functional subject to legal, regulatory and licensing issues. The Company’s cryptocurrency and blockchain attorney will ensuring that NSAV fully complies with regulations implemented by the U.S. Congress and the SEC. NSAV aims to become only the second U.S. publicly traded company to own a Cryptocurrency Exchange, following the Coinbase IPO in April, which valued Coinbase at over $85 billion. The Company will own 100% of the exchange and it will carry the NSAV brand name. The value of the global cryptocurrency market now exceeds $2 trillion.  NSAV is planning to launch a Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (DEX) and have it fully operational and trading within the next 45 to 60 days. As with its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (, the Company will own 100% of the exchange and it will also carry the NSAV brand name. With the launch of its DEX, this would give NSAV two cryptocurrency exchanges. NSAV boasts a huge following of investors includings some big names in small caps and continues to be among the most searched for stocks in small caps and it can move quickly. A break over 0.1493 and its blue skies ahead.  NSAV continues to make big moves; NSAV announced plans launch a governance token, which management believes will be a huge benefit for its NSAV Exchange. Uniswap’s governance token, UNI was launched in 2020 at a price of around $1.00 and is currently trading at over $26.00 due to the utility of governance tokens, which allow them to appreciate rapidly. The Company appointed Silverbear Capital Inc. to assist them on strategic matters relating to the Company’s cryptocurrency exchange. NSAV is is planning to launch a Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (DEX) and have it fully operational and trading within the next 45 to 60 days. As with its Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (, the Company will own 100% of the exchange and it will also carry the NSAV brand name. With the launch of its DEX, this would give NSAV two cryptocurrency exchanges. The new management of NSAV believes that this move is the fastest and most efficient way for the Company to have a fully operational cryptocurrency exchange and obtain a share of the over $2 trillion global cryptocurrency market. Along with the launches of the NSAV Exchange as well as the new Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange (DEX) NSAV plans to launch a Premium OTC Crypto Trading Desk by mid-September. NSAVs OTC Desk will offer private and personalized service to institutions and high net-worth individuals that trade large blocks of cryptocurrency. OTC Crypto Trading Desks offer increased liquidity (without slippage), price protection, anonymity, Fiat support, unlimited purchases and the purchase of rare tokens, which are not available on exchanges. NSAVs OTC Desk will provide its clients with execution and settlement services that are secure, competitive and discreet. NSAV also announced that it is in negotiations on several Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects. The management believes in the chemistry between blockchain and AI and to that end, has onboarded a new Senior Vice President of Technology, Stanley Yu, in order to bolster its technology department. Stanley has over 30 years of senior corporate management experience. Stanley spent 10 years in senior technical and management roles at IBM research labs and SUN Microsystems. Stanley is also a partner at leading investment banking firm Silverbear Capital Inc. Microcapdaily has been reporting on NSAV since the stock was sub $0.01. We will be updating on NSAV when more details emerge so make sure you are subscribed to Microcapdaily so you know what’s going on with NSAV.

Disclosure: we hold no position in NSAV either long or short and we have not been compensated for this article.


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Violette Laurent est une blogueuse tech nantaise diplômée en communication de masse et douée pour l'écriture. Elle est la rédactrice en chef de Les sujets de prédilection de Violette sont la technologie et la cryptographie. Elle est également une grande fan d'Anime et de Manga.


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